Delumière Studio

  • „Every second, we process 11 million sensory impressions consciously perceiving only a fraction of them. Learning to see means learning to direct focus.“


  • „I can see the setting of the sun as its moving away from earth. But I can also realize that we are the ones turning away from it. These are different perspectives on one and the same phenomenon.“


  • „A Chinese proverb says that all things have three sides: one that you see, one that I see, and one that neither of us sees – but probably someone else does.“


  • „Noticing what others overlook.“


As an author, speaker, and expert in perception, I focus on the intricate world of our senses. My emphasis lies on the sense of sight, the effect of light on our well-being and creative potential, our fascination with photography, and our ability to communicate through images, shaping the world in the process.






Explore • Perceive • Feel • Transform • See •

  • „The ability to look deeply is the root of creativity. To see past the ordinary and mundane and get to what might otherwise be invisible.“

    -Rick Rubin-

  • „I close my eyes and I begin to see.“


  • „The universe is only as large as our perception of it. When we cultivate our awareness, we are expanding the universe.“

    -Rick Rubin-

My work centers around exploring human perception, experimenting with it, and offering people a mindful approach to their senses – essentially providing a sensory education. With me, you'll see, feel, and experience more, gaining a new perspective on the world. You start to notice what others overlook.